
Services for overseas residents



  • 社会保険の新規適用手続き
  • 労働保険の新規適用手続き
  • 社会保険・労働保険の各種手続き(健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険)
  • 法令に基づく帳簿書類等の作成
  • 就業規則の策定・給与規程の整備
  • 雇用契約書、各種ひな形の整備

Due to the great geographical distance and business cultural differences between your country and Japan, you will encounter a lot of difficulties influencing your performance. We provide foreign start-up companies with local coordinate assistance in Japan, helping your specific business needs during start-up phase. Our services will include but not limited to:

  • Notification of new application for employee’s health insurance system
  • Notification of new application for employee’s pension insurance system
  • Notification of new application for employment insurance
  • Necessary reporting to the government offices (i.e. labor standard office)
  • Enrolling and Withdrawal procedures for employees joining and/or leaving companies
  • Payroll administration
  • Drawing Employee Rule Book and its filing with the government office
  • Labor/HR ad-hoc advisory service as required

海外在住者のための年金相談業務 Pension Consulting


  • 受給資格の確認
  • 書類作成
  • 提出代行

For those living overseas, it can be very time-consuming to go through various procedures. Matters regarding Japanese pension could be one of them. As a Social Security and Labor Attorney (Shakai Hoken Romushi – “Sharoshi” in a short name), I can handle various procedures on your behalf, including pension claims. If you have been away from Japan for the long period of the time, checking past pension records can also be very difficult. As a national license holder, one of the exclusive services is to provide consultation on social insurance procedures, as well as preparing documents and submitting those to the government agency.